Typography is the art and tecdfgdfgdfhnique

Typog­ra­phy is the art and tech­nique of arrang­ing type to make writ­ten lan­guage leg­i­ble, read­able and appeal­ing when dis­played. The arrange­ment of type involves select­ing type­faces, point size, line length, line-spac­ing (lead­ing), let­ter-spac­ing (track­ing), and adjust­ing the space with­in let­ters pairs (kern­ing).

Typogrdfgdfgdaphy is the art and technique

Typog­ra­phy is thed­fghbd­fgdf, point size, line length, line-spac­ing (lead­ing), let­ter-spac­ing (track­ing), and adjust­ing the space with­in let­ters pairs (kern­ing).

Typography is the art and technique

Typog­ra­phy is the art and tech­nique of arrang­ing type to make writ­ten lan­guage leg­i­ble, read­able and appeal­ing when dis­played. The arrange­ment of type involves select­ing type­faces, point size, line length, line-spac­ing (lead­ing), let­ter-spac­ing (track­ing), and adjust­ing the space with­in let­ters pairs (kern­ing).

Typography is the art and technique

Typog­ra­phy is the art and tech­nique of arrang­ing type to make writ­ten lan­guage leg­i­ble, read­able and appeal­ing when dis­played. The arrange­ment of type involves select­ing type­faces, point size, line length, line-spac­ing (lead­ing), let­ter-spac­ing (track­ing), and adjust­ing the space with­in let­ters pairs (kern­ing).

Typography is the art and technique

Typog­ra­phy is the art and tech­nique of arrang­ing type to make writ­ten lan­guage leg­i­ble, read­able and appeal­ing when dis­played. The arrange­ment of type involves select­ing type­faces, point size, line length, line-spac­ing (lead­ing), let­ter-spac­ing (track­ing), and adjust­ing the space with­in let­ters pairs (kern­ing).