A Story of Hawaii, Cuisine and Drinksfnfgnfn

The state encom­pass­es near­ly the entire vol­canic Hawai­ian arch­i­pel­ago, which com­pris­es hun­dreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles. At the south­east­ern end of the arch­i­pel­ago, the eight main islands are—in order from north­west to south­east: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and the Island of Hawaii. The last is the largest island in the group; it is often called the “Big Island” or “Hawaii Island” to avoid con­fu­sion with the state or archipelago.

The arch­i­pel­ago is phys­io­graph­i­cal­ly and eth­no­log­i­cal­ly part of the Poly­ne­sian sub­re­gion of Oceania.

Manda­to­ry break while back­pack­ing Kauai.

Публикация от Travis Burke (@travisburkephotography)

The Hawai­ian islands were formed by vol­canic activ­i­ty ini­ti­at­ed at an under­sea mag­ma source called the Hawaii hotspot. The process is con­tin­u­ing to build islands; the tec­ton­ic plate beneath much of the Pacif­ic Ocean con­tin­u­al­ly moves north­west and the hot spot remains sta­tion­ary, slow­ly cre­at­ing new vol­ca­noes. Because of the hotspot’s loca­tion, all cur­rent­ly active land vol­ca­noes are locat­ed on the south­ern half of Hawaii Island. The newest vol­cano, Loi­hi Seamount, is locat­ed south of the coast of Hawaii Island.

Hawai­i’s diverse nat­ur­al scenery, warm trop­i­cal cli­mate, abun­dance of pub­lic beach­es, ocean­ic sur­round­ings, and active vol­ca­noes make it a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for tourists, surfers, biol­o­gists, and vol­ca­nol­o­gists. Because of its cen­tral loca­tion in the Pacif­ic and 19th-cen­tu­ry labor migra­tion, Hawai­i’s cul­ture is strong­ly influ­enced by North Amer­i­can and asc­fas­d­cAsian cul­tures, in addi­tion to its indige­nous Hawai­ian cul­ture. Hawaii has over a mil­lion per­ma­nent res­i­dents, along with many vis­i­tors and U.S. mil­i­tary per­son­nel. Its cap­i­tal is Hon­olu­lu on the island of Oahu.

Hawaii is the 8th-small­est and the 11th-least pop­u­lous, but the 13th-most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed of the fifty U.S. states. It is the only state with an Asian plu­ral­i­ty. The state’s coast­line is about 750 miles long, the fourth longest in the U.S. after the coast­lines of Alas­ka, Flori­da, and California.

The Hawai­ian arch­i­pel­ago is locat­ed 2,000 mi south­west of the con­tigu­ous Unit­ed States. Hawaii is the south­ern­most U.S. state and the sec­ond west­ern­most after Alas­ka. Hawaii, along with Alas­ka, does not bor­der any oth­er U.S. state. It is the only U.S. state that is not geo­graph­i­cal­ly locat­ed in North Amer­i­ca, the only state com­plete­ly sur­round­ed by water and that is entire­ly an arch­i­pel­ago, and the only state in which cof­fee is com­mer­cial­ly cultivable.

In addi­tion to the eight main islands, the state has many small­er islands and islets. Kaula is a small island near Niihau that is often over­looked. The North­west Hawai­ian Islands is a group of nine small, old­er islands to the north­west of Kauai that extend from Nihoa to Kure Atoll; these are rem­nants of once much larg­er vol­canic moun­tains. Across the arch­i­pel­ago are around 130 small rocks and islets, such as Moloki­ni, which are either vol­canic, marine sed­i­men­ta­ry or ero­sion­al in origin.

The last vol­canic erup­tion out­side Hawaii Island occurred at Haleakala on Maui before the late 18th cen­tu­ry, though it could have been hun­dreds of years earlier.

Hawai­i’s cli­mate is typ­i­cal for the trop­ics, although tem­per­a­tures and humid­i­ty tend to be less extreme because of near-con­stant trade winds from the east. Sum­mer highs usu­al­ly reach around 88 °F dur­ing the day, with the tem­per­a­ture reach­ing a low of 75 °F at night. Win­ter day tem­per­a­tures are usu­al­ly around 83 °F; at low ele­va­tion they sel­dom dip below 65 °F at night.

How to Get Around Hawaii in 8 Days

The extant main islands of the arch­i­pel­ago have been above the sur­face of the ocean for few­er than 10 mil­lion years; a frac­tion of the time bio­log­i­cal col­o­niza­tion and evo­lu­tion have occurred there. The islands are well known for the envi­ron­men­tal diver­si­ty that occurs on high moun­tains with­in a trade winds field. On a sin­gle island, the cli­mate around the coasts can range from dry trop­i­cal to wet trop­i­cal; on the slopes, envi­ron­ments range from trop­i­cal rain­for­est , through a tem­per­ate cli­mate, to alpine con­di­tions with a cold, dry cli­mate. The rainy cli­mate impacts soil devel­op­ment, which large­ly deter­mines ground per­me­abil­i­ty, affect­ing the dis­tri­b­u­tion of streams and wetlands.

Sev­er­al areas in Hawaii are under the pro­tec­tion of the Nation­al Park Ser­vice. Hawaii has two nation­al parks: Haleakala Nation­al Park locat­ed near Kula on the island of Maui, which fea­tures the dor­mant vol­cano Haleakala that formed east Maui, and Hawaii Vol­ca­noes Nation­al Park in the south­east region of the Hawaii Island, which includes the active vol­cano Kilauea and its rift zones.